About US 

Our History

The 12BR Company of the Boys' Brigade in Singapore was established in 1994. A vision, spearheaded by Mr Tye Yew Meng from the BB Headquarters, was to start a BB Company in the school. The vision became a reality when the initiative received the blessings from our then Principal, Mr Ng Eng Chin.

The year 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the 12BR Company. In these three decades, The Boys' Brigade in ACS (Barker Road) has grown over the years, reaching a peak strength of over a 100 members from the sec 1 to sec 4 cohorts and an ever-growing alumni. The Boys’ Brigade in ACS (Barker Road) continues to provide a fun, wholesome and exciting programme as well as growth in stature and character, such that Boys are enriched and fulfilled during their years in ACS (Barker Road). 

Our Student Leadership Team (2023-2024)

Company Sergeant Major (CSM): Sergeant (SGT) Ephraim Lee

Dy CSM (Programmes): Sergeant (SGT) Timothy Chin

Dy CSM (Admin): Sergeant (SGT) Matteus Lee

Band Major: Sergeant (SGT) Matt Wong

Wing Commander (Charlie): Sergeant (SGT) Jayden Teo

Wing Commander (Delta): Sergeant (SGT) Ethan Ong

Admin NCO: Sergeant (SGT) Nathanael Jana Nagulan James

Publications NCO: Sergeant (SGT) Dayton Wong

Awards NCO: Sergeant (SGT) Trevor Tan

Juniors NCO: Sergeant (SGT) Isaac Chua

Christian Education NCO: Sergeant (SGT) Criston Bok

Quartermaster: Sergeant (SGT) Aaron Lim

Pipers Section Leader: Sergeant (SGT) Ethan Sng

Drummers Section Leader: Sergeant (SGT) Wesley Ong