Acceptable User Policy (AUP)

Taking Care of Your PLD:

You are responsible for the general care of their PLDs. PLDs that are broken or fail to work properly must be taken to the ICT Support Office at Technical Staff Room (Block D, Level 3).

General Precautions:

· No food or drink is allowed next to your PLD at all times.

· Cords, cables, and removable storage devices must be inserted carefully into the PLD.

· You should never carry their PLD while the screen is open unless directed to do so by a teacher.

· PLDs should be shut down when not in use to conserve battery life.

· PLDs should never be shoved into a locker or wedged into a book bag as this may break the screen.

· Do not expose your PLD to extreme temperature or direct sunlight for extended periods of time. Extreme heat or cold may cause damage to the notebook.

Carrying your PLD:

The protective shell of the PLD will provide only basic protection from everyday use. It is not designed to prevent damage when it drops or from abusive handling. Carrying the PLD in a padded backpack or padded bag is acceptable provided they are handled with care. For example, you shouldn’t toss the bag or drop the bag if your PLD is inside.

Screen Care:

The PLD screen could be damaged if subjected to rough treatment. The screens are particularly sensitive to damage from excessive pressure on the screen.

· Do not lean on the PLD.

· Do not place near the PLD any item that could put pressure on the screen.

· Do not place PLD near any magnetic material, such as magnet.

· Do not place in the carrying case any item that will press against the cover.

· Do not poke the screen with any sharp-pointed objects, except prescribed stylus.

· Do not place anything (e.g. pens, pencils, notebooks) on the keyboard before closing the lid.

· Clean the screen with a soft, dry anti-static, or micro-fiber cloth. Do not use window cleaner or any type of liquid or water on the PLD. You could also purchase individually packaged pre-moistened tissue for cleaning eyeglass lens to clean the screen. These are very convenient and relatively inexpensive.

Using Your Personalised Learning Device (PLD)

At School:

The PLD is intended for use every day at school. You must be responsible for bringing their PLD to all classes, unless specifically advised not to do so by your teacher.

In order to have a seamless learning experience, you should ensure that you PLD is fully charged before bringing it to school. Should you need to charge your PLD in school, you should only do so at the school’s designated charging stations, during recess and/or after-school hours.

Sound must be muted at all times unless permission is obtained from the teacher for instructional learning purposes.

No student should project their PLD screen in any learning venue, unless instructed by teacher for instructional learning purposes.

Software on Personalised Learning Device (PLD):

Originally Installed Software:

Operating system in Personalised Learning Device (PLD) is delivered with device. These are other prescribed system and application software installed to support instructional learning and network security.

The updates for both operating system and application software will be centrally updated periodically during the use of device in school. Students should follow to the instructions, when prompt, to carry out the necessary step(s) and/or re-start to effect the update(s).

From time to time the school may add software applications for use in a particular instructional learning course. This process is automatic. Applications that are no longer needed will automatically be removed by the school as well.

Virus Protection:

Virus protection is unnecessary on the PLD due to the unique nature of the security features of the operating system.

The operating system in these devices have built-in security measures to defend against worms, viruses and similar malwares. DMA are installed in these devices to ensure that the security posture of these devices is maintained. ITD had accessed that there is no need to provide for additional virus scan software.

Students are required to perform a shut down at least once a week. This is to allow security updates to push down to the PLD. Any outdated security patch in the PLD will deny student from accessing the PLD.

Device management application (DMA)

All PLDs are installed with a device management application (DMA) to support a safe and conducive learning environment. You should not attempt to uninstall the DMA or de-enroll the PLD from the DMA. Non-compliance may lead to disciplinary action in accordance with the school’s discipline policy.

Additional Software:

You will not be able to install additional software on your PLD, other than what has been approved by the school. This is to ensure instructional learning will not be disrupted by the hardware constraints and be compromised of network security caused by unnecessary software installation.

Memory storage:

You are responsible for the files you have stored in the storage drive available in the device. You are strongly encouraged to back up your files periodically to avoid loss of learning materials. The school bears no responsibility of the data and/or stored in the PLD in the course of repair and replacement of PLD.

Protecting & Storing Your Personalised Learning Device (PLD):

Personalised Learning Device (PLD) Identification:

PLD will be labelled in the manner specified by the school.

Record of serial number

Individual’s Google Account username

Under no circumstances are students to modify, remove, or destroy identification labels.

Storing Your Personalised Learning Device (PLD):

You should keep your PLD in the locker when they are not used during lessons. However, you are not allowed to store the PLD in your lockers overnight, during weekend and during school holidays.

Storing Personalised Learning Device (PLD) during Co-Curricular Activities:

You are responsible for securely storing your PLD in your lockers during CCA should it not required to support your CCA.

Unsupervised PLDs in school will be confiscated by staff and taken to the ICT office. Disciplinary action will be taken for students who leave a PLD in an unsupervised location.

Repairing or Replacing Your Personalised Learning Device (PLD):


Warranty from defects in materials and workmanship is for the period of three years. This limited warranty covers normal use, mechanical breakdown, or faulty construction and will provide replacement parts necessary to repair or if necessary, replace the PLD. The warranty DOES NOT cover damage caused by misuse, abuse, or accidents caused by negligence. Please report all PLD problems, via a technical request form, to the ICT Support Office. The form is available at the ICT Support Office.

Accidental Damage or Loss Protection:

The school requires that a police report be submitted in cases of theft.

For damages done to PLD, the school will assess the PLD damage and repair or replace the device if the damage is determined to be accidental and within the protection guidelines. In the event of repair, a loaned unit will be issued to the student to support his/her learning, subject to availability.

Parents/Students are charged for the full replacement cost of a device that has been damaged due to intentional misuse or abuse.

Application Use through Personalised Learning Device (PLD):

General Guidelines

· You have access to forms of media and communication which are in support of education and research and of the education goals and objectives at Bedok Green Secondary School. Access to media and communication beyond these specific uses is not supported or allowed.

· You are responsible for the ethical and educational use of the technology resources.

· Access to the Bedok Green Secondary School’s technology resources is a privilege and not a right. Every student, and/or parent is required to abide by the rules of the School’s Acceptable Use Policy. Violation of these rules results in the loss of privileges and may incur other disciplinary action.

· Recognizing that it is impossible to define every instance of acceptable and unacceptable use, it will be at the discretion of the network administrator and/or school administration to use judgement as to what is acceptable in any undefined instance that may arise.

· Transmission of any material that is in violation of any school rule or state law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to the following: confidential information, copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, and computer viruses.

· Any attempt to alter data, the configuration of a computer, or the files of another user, without the consent of the individual, school administrator, or technology administrator, is considered an act of vandalism and subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the school discipline policy.

· All users of the district’s technology resources and/or school network must sign the school’s Acceptable Use Policy and abide by the rules defined in the Acceptable Use Policy. This is in addition to the rules and policies that this document contains.

Privacy and Safety

· Do not go into any chat room other than those set up by your teacher or mandated in other distance education courses.

· Do not open, use, or change computer files that do not belong to you.

· Do not reveal your full name, phone number, home address, NRIC, passwords, or passwords of other people.

· Remember that network storage is not guaranteed to be private or confidential. The Administration reserves the right to inspect your files at any time and will take the necessary steps if the files are in violation of the district’s Acceptable Use Policy.

· If you inadvertently access a website that contains obscene, pornographic, or otherwise offensive material, notify a teacher or the Principal immediately so that such sites are blocked from further access. This is not merely a request. It is a responsibility.

Intellectual Property

· All students must comply with trademark and copyright laws and all license agreements. Ignorance of the law is not immunity. If you are unsure, ask the network administrator if you are in compliance with the law.

· Plagiarism is a violation of the school’s discipline code. You are to give credit to all sources used, whether quoted or summarized. This includes all forms of media on the Internet, such as graphics, movies, music, and text.

· You should not access, download, copy or share any copyrighted materials (such as pictures, videos, music) without explicit permission from the owner.

· You should not own, copy or share software in an unauthorized or illegal manner.

· The rights of all materials and data created using the school’s ICT facilities and resources are jointly owned by the school and the user.

User Account

You should interact with others in a respectful and responsible way. You should not post online remarks that are

racially and/or religiously insensitive,

vulgar and/or offensive, or

hurtful to others.

You should not use any devices to

store, modify, create or share content (e.g. documents, presentations, pictures and videos) that is inappropriate (e.g. indecent, pornographic, defamatory, hurtful to self or others).

make threats, cause harassment or embarrassment, impersonate or intimidate others.

You should not use MOE/school-deployed ICT system accounts for any commercial activities (e.g. buying and selling of goods and services).

Personalised Learning Device (PLD) Technical Support:

The ICT Support Office is the first point of contact for the repair of the Personalised Learning Device (PLD)s. Services provided by the ICT Support Office include:

Password Identification

User account support

Coordination of warranty repair

Hardware maintenance and repair

Operating System or software configuration support

● Restoring PLD to factory default

● System software updates.