Frequently Ased Questions (FAQs)

1. How much do the students have to pay?

    The notebook cost is estimated to be $536.20 (year 2024), inclusive of a 3-year warranty and a 3-year
    insurance. With the use of Edusave Fund and sufficient fund in the Edusave account, Singapore citizen
    students will not be expected to pay any cash.

2. Is there any insurance coverage for the device?

    There is a 3-year insurance that covers 2 repairs or 1 replacement of parts.

3. Why did we choose Notebook?

    One of the key considerations is that students must be able to continue their learning (may it be
    homework, practice) at home without the provision of internet.


4. How can the school prevent the misuse of the device? 

    There is a provision of Device Usage Management and Classroom Management where any teacher can
    set settings to manage the use of the PLD in the learning venues.

5. Can a student purchase another device if the first one is damaged?

    Through insurance, should it be a genuine case of technical faults, there is a one-time replacement of
    the device.

6. Are the students allowed to charge the device in school?

    Like the students' personal mobile phone, students are to charge their device fully, at home, before the
    start of any full school day.

7. Must all students buy the same device?

    Students will buy the same device so that the technical support for the device can be rendered to the

8. Will teachers receive a PLD too?

      Teachers will not receive a PLD as all teachers are holding a tablet device which enable interactive
      learning in any classrooms.

9. What if a parent refuses to purchase a device?

      Without a PLD, the student will not experience an inclusive-education where he/she can learn
      collaboratively with his/her peers.

      The school has no obligation to provide learning device to support blended learning in this case. 

      The PLD will be extensively used in F2F lessons and also for online learning. Without a PLD, the
      student's learning      will be greatly compromised. The school is not obliged to loan the student a
      device in this situation.

10. What do I need to do if I lost my PLD?

       The parent, on behalf of the student, will make a police report.
        The student will pass the digital copy of the police report to the HOD (ICT).
        Should the insurance is unable to cover the loss of PLD, due to negligence, parent can purchase a new unit of
        PLD, through school. 

11. What can I do if my family cannot afford to pay for internet access at home?

       With effect from 3 April 2023, students may apply for DigitalAccess@Home scheme online
      ( ) or through by submitting a hardcopy application. They can also approach any of the
      37 SG Digital community hubs and 4 self-help groups (CDAC, Eurasian Association, MENDAKI, SINDA) for
      assistance with applications.

      Applicants may use the online self-assessment tool ( to check their
      eligibility before applying.
      You can refer to the FAQ if you have other enquiry.