L7 - F1 Speaking

Learning Standards

  1. Ask about and give detailed information about themselves and others

  2. Understand specific details and information in simple longer texts


What do you do in your free time?

Pre Lesson

1 - Look at the quiz. Listen and repeat the words in blue.

1.08 Vocabulary and Speaking - Free Time Actvities.mp3

2 - Now, the do quiz and look at your score. Do you agree with the description of you?

3 - Match adjectives 1 - 3 with opposites a - c.

1 sociable a) shy

2 sporty b) unfriendly

3 friendly c) lazy

Speaking Task

4 - What do you usually do at the weekend? Copy and complete the diary.

5 - Write a conversation between you and a friend. Ask and answer questions about your weekend activities.


Q: What do you do on Saturday morning?

A: I go shopping with my mum.


If it's raining, what do you like to do in your free time?