L8 & L9 - F1


Learning Standards

  1. Understand specific details and information

  2. Ask about and give detailed information about themselves and others

  3. Agree on a set of basic steps to complete tasks


List all the places that you could ride a bike.

Pre Reading

Below is an interview. 17-year old Jon Harrison is explaining about Urban Sports.

Extracted from Unit 1, Pulse 2

Copy this table in your notebook. Complete the table based on what the four sports mentioned in the interview. An example has been given on how to complete the table.

While Reading

2 - Read and listen to the interview. Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.

1.09 Reading - A Magazine Interview.mp3
  1. 25-year-olds don't do urban sports.

  2. You can do urban sports in any city.

  3. You need a helmet for all urban sports.

  4. Accidents happen for a reason.

  5. You can take part in parkour competitions.

  6. Boys are better at urban sports than girls.

3 - Read the interview again and answer the questions.

  1. how many urban sports does Jon mention?

  2. Why do people do urban sports?

  3. Why are urban sports easier to practise than other sports?

  4. What makes parkour different from other urban sports?

  5. What clothes do people wear for urban sports?

Post Reading

Choose one of the urban sports. Find three facts about the sports on the internet. Copy this mind map in your notebook and complete it with the facts you found.


Why do you think people enjoy playing urban sports?