L11 - F1


Learning Standards

  1. Understand independently specific information and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics

  2. Understand independently the main ideas in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics


What three musical instruments you know? Write it in your notebook.

Pre Listening

1 - Listen and repeat the words in the box.

act - sing - dance - paint - draw - cook - bake a cake - play a musical instrument - write songs - tell jokes - ride a motorbike - do tricks - drive a car - speak a language

1.12 Vocabulary and Listening - Skills and Abilities.mp3

Extracted from Unit 1, Pulse 2.

2 - Read and listen to the text. Copy and complete the introductions with words from exercise 1. Then listen and check your answers.

1.13 Vocabulary and Listening - Skills and Abilities.mp3
Extracted from Unit 1, Pulse 2.

While Listening

4 - Listen to this audio and complete the task that follows. Which of the contestants in Exercise 1 are the judges talking to?

1.14 Vocabulary and Listening - Skills and Abilities.mp3
Extracted from Unit 1, Pulse 2.

5 - Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.

  1. The first contestant has got a strong voice.

  2. Zak doesn't have singing lessons.

  3. He wins this part of the competition.

  4. Judges like Kelly and Jamie.

  5. They don't practise every day.

  6. They looked unhappy when they were performing.


Why do you think people like to listen to musical instruments?