Congratulations to Mr. Mujip Munib, our bakery teacher, for being a finalist of Positive Change in Education in the 2023 GESS Education Awards 

Congratulations to the recipients of Excellent Service Awards (APC) from KVC. The award ceremony took place at Dorsett Grand Labuan on 9th September 2023 

Let's congratulate the Trio A for their exceptional MUET results! Afiqa scored band 4.0 while both Aini & Adibah received band 3.5 

Adik Victer Ben Salleh dan Ronneil Bin Rozi berjaya mendapat Emas dan Perak bagi acara Lontar Peluru di Kejohanan Olahraga MSS Sabah pada 6 September 2023 

Congratulations! Our special needs student, Slyvellorena Jines, is the champion of the state level floral design 

Pelajar Sabah Raih Anugerah Di Festival Seni Melalui Video Puisi