KOMTEP is a specific program under the framework of Asia-Pacific Teacher Exchange for Global Education (APTE) which is organised by the UNESCO Asia Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) on behalf of Ministry of Education, South Korea and Ministry of Education, Malaysia. 

Keningau Vocational College first started its journey with KOMTEP in 2017 where Mr. Mohd Al Khalifa bin Mohd Affnan was among the chosen to be part of the three months exchange programme to teach in Seoul Technical High School. After that, we continue to sent delegates in 2018, Mr. Ibrahim Ismail, and in 2019, Ms. Munirah Muhammad Yusoff.

2017 Journey

2018 Introduction Video

In 2021, we sent three delegates for the online version of KOMTEP, Mr. Mohd Al Khalifa bin Mohd Affnan, Mr. Saumon Maliki and Ms. Munirah Muhammad Yusoff.

You may click on the button below to check out KOMTEP 2021 story