
Conference Presentations

* indicates undergraduate co-presenter, † indicates graduate co-presenter

Shelton, J. T., Scullin, M. K. & †Hacker, J. Y., (2020, March). The Multi-process Framewok Historical Context and the Dynamic Extension . Invited paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. Louisville, KY.

†Wells, S., *Barahona, R., & Shelton, J. T. (2020, March). Those Who Teach Can Do. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. Louisville, KY.

†Gershman, D., Vorwerk, T., & Shelton, J. T. (2020, March). The Role of Reverse Implementation Intentions in Reducing Commission Errors in Prospective Memory. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. Louisville, KY.

*Sanford, B., *Whittemore, J., *Ritter, K., *Wiley, L., & Shelton, J. T. (2020, March). Envisioning Success in Academic Goal Execution. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. Louisville, KY.

*Melone, M., † Gershman, D., & Shelton, J. T. (2020, March). The Role of Emotion in Prospective Memory. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. Louisville, KY.

Vorwerk, T. M., Shelton, J. T., *Splean, A., *Wash, A., * Craig, C. A., †Hacker, J. Y., & Scullin, M. K. (2019, March). The utility of auditory and visual cues for facilitating strategic monitoring in prospective memory. Paper presented at the 111th annual conference for the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Cincinnati, OH.

*Edwards, A., *Craig, C., *May, A., Hacker, J. Y., & Shelton, J. T. (2019, March). The effects of motivation and metacognition on prospective memory. Poster presented at the 111th annual conference for the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Cincinnati, OH.

Shelton, J. T., Scullin, M. K., Vorwerk, T.M., & Hacker, J. Y. (2018, November). The utility of auditory and visual cues for facilitating strategic monitoring in prospective memory. Paper presented at the 59th annual conference for the Psychonomic Society. New Orleans, LA.

Shelton, J. T., Vorwerk, T.M., Hacker, J. Y., Scullin, M. K., & *Ellis, D. (2018, March). Auditory context and the strategic allocation of attention in prospective memory. Paper presented at the 63th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association. Charleston, SC.

Kvavilashvilli, L., Shelton, J. T., & Erskine, J. A. (2018, January). Reminding prospective memory instructions in the delay interval does not improve event-based prospective memory: Implications for a standard laboratory paradigm. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Prospective Memory. Melbourne, Australia.

*Boring, E., †Hacker, J. Y., †Bianchi, C., & Shelton, J. T. (2017, October). Don’t Forget to be Altruistic! Motivational Influences on Prospective Memory in the laboratory and in Everyday Settings. Poster presented at the Southern Conference Undergraduate Research Forum. Spartanburg, SC.

†Slayton, J. & Shelton, J. T. (2017, March). Unresolved Interruptions and Their Effect on Prospective Memory. Poster presented at the 63rd annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association. Atlanta, GA.

*Bianchi, C., †Hacker, J., *Kaylor, M. & Shelton, J. T. (2017, March). Motivation and Prospective Memory in the Laboratory and the Real World. Poster presented in the CEPO/PSI CHI Undergraduate Research Symposium held at the 63rd annual conference for the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.

*James, T., & Shelton, J. T. (2017, March). Context and Implementation Intentions in Prospective Memory Tasks: An Eye Tracking Experiment. Poster presented at the 12th annual Posters-at-the-Capitol event. Nashville, TN.

Shelton, J. T., Scullin, M. K., †Slayton, J. T., *James, T., & *Vorwerk, T. (2016, November). The Role of Context in the Beneficial Effect of Implementation Intentions on Prospective Memory. Poster presented at the 57th annual conference for the Psychonomic Society. Boston, MA.

Shelton, J. T., *Hulse, S., †Comotto,N., †Hacker, J., and *Carroll, M. (2016, July). Are you motivated to remember? The impact of pro-social and self-interested motivation on prospective memory. Poster presented at the 6th International Conference on Memory, Budapest, Hungary.

Shelton, J. T., *Scott, I., Scullin, M. K., & Bugg, J. M. (2016, April). The role of context and memory strategies in prospective memory commission errors. Poster presented at the bi-annual conference for the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.

†Nida, A., Clark, A., & Shelton, J. T. (2016, April). Monitoring in the Laboratory and the Real-World Poster presented at the bi-annual conference for the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Shelton, J. T. (2016, April). The contextual side of prospective memory. Invited junior keynote address delivered at the Southern Workers in Memory Symposium at the 62nd annual conference for the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

†Arrowood, R., †Coleman, T. Shelton, J. T., *Swanson, S., *Weber, J., & Hood Jr., R. (2016, April). A real world analysis of worldview defenses following mortality salience. Paper presented at the 62nd annual conference for the Southeastern Psychological Association. New Orleans, LA

†Arrowood, R., Hood Jr., R., Shelton, J. T., & *Swanson, S. (2016, April). From the eulogy to the grave. Poster presented at the 62nd annual conference for the Southeastern Psychological Association. New Orleans, LA.

Shelton, J. T., Foerder, P., Scullin, M. K., Nida, A., *Scott, I. & *Hulse, S. (2016, March). Planning and motivation for the future in human and non-human animals. Invited talk delivered at the annual conference for the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Louisville, KY.

Shelton, J. T., †Christopher, E. A., & *Scott, I. (2016, March).The educational implications of working memory capacity, cognitive load, and contextual expectations. Invited talk delivered at the annual conference for the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Louisville, KY.

†Christopher, E. A.& Shelton, J. T. (2015, November). Music helps me do my homework: A student's conundrum. Poster presented at the 56th annual conference for the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, IL.

Shelton, J. T., †Christopher, E, & *Scott, I. (2014, November). Prospective Memory in Educational Settings: Does Load Matter? Poster presented at the 55th annual conference for the Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, CA.

Shelton, J. T., †Lee, J. H., Scullin, M. K., Rose, N., Rendell, P., & McDaniel, M. A. (2014, May). Implementation intentions boost prospective memory in very mildly demented older adults. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Prospective Memory, Naples, Italy.

Shelton, J. T., Brown, N., *Mason, A., *Gelineau, *Vazquez, O. (2014, May). I forgot to buy the bread, but I bought bagels! The impact of phone conversations on prospective memory. Poster presented at the 4th International Conference on Prospective Memory, Naples, Italy.

Shelton, J. T., †Christopher, E., & †Bauer, M. (2014, April). Predicting fluid intelligence from working memory and secondary memory: Working memory is still special. Poster presented at the bi-annual Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Shelton, J. T. (2014, February). I forgot to buy the bread! The impact of phone conversations on shopping behavior. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Southern Society of Philosophy and Psychology, Charleston.

Shelton, J. T., *Christopher, E., *Gregory, L., & *Bramblett, C. (2013, March). Seeing is believing: new evidence for prospective memory monitoring. Paper presented at the 59th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta.

*Christopher, E., *Gregory, L., *Browning, L., *Yaun, B. P., Shelton, J. T. (2013, March). The Influence of Prospective Memory Load on College Success. Poster presented at the 59th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta.

*Vazquez, O. G., *Mason, A. M., *Wheeler, P. N., *Nicholas, A. E., *Gelineau, J., Brown, N. L., & Shelton, J. T. (2013, March). The Influence of Phone Conversations on Consumer Decision Making. Poster presented at the 59th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta.

Elliott, E. M., Morey, C. C., Morey, R. D., Eaves, S. D., Shelton, J. T., †Lutfi-Proctor, D. A. (2012, November). Assessing interference across modalities: print-based versus auditory Stroop conflicts. Poster presentation at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis.

Shelton, J. T., *Christopher, E., *Byrd, K., *Claud, N., &*Stallings, S. (2012, August). A Fresh Pair of Eyes on Prospective Memory Monitoring. Poster presented at the 120th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Orlando.

Shelton, J. T., †Lee, J. H., †Scullin, M. K., †Rose, N., Rendell, P., & McDaniel, M. A. (2012, April). Implementation Intentions Boost Prospective Memory in the Very Mildly Demented. Paper presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta.

†Scullin, M. K., Gordon, B., Shelton, J. T., †Lee, J. H., Head, D., & McDaniel, M. A. (2012, April). This Might Raise Your Blood Pressure: Prospective Memory in Hypertensive Older Adults. Paper presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta.

†Fadler, C., †Lee, J. H., †Scullin, M. K., †Cahill, M. J., Shelton, J. T., & McDaniel, M. A. (2011, November). Individual differences in learning tendency predict learning of Economics. Poster presentation at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Seattle.

Shelton, J. T., McDaniel, M. A., Balota, D. A., Breneiser, J., & †Moynan, S. (2010, April). Which kinds of prospective memory failures characterize very mild Alzheimer’s dementia? An investigation of focal and nonfocal prospective memory performance. Poster presented at the bi-annual Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta.

Shelton, J. T. & Elliott, E. M. (2010, March). The relationships of working memory, secondary memory, and general fluid intelligence: Working memory is special. Paper presented at the 56th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Chattanooga.

†Martin, B. A., Shelton, J. T., †Brown, N. L., Elliott, E. M., & Hicks, J. L. (2009, November). Working memory span predicts focal and nonfocal prospective memory performance equally well. Poster presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston.

Lane, S., Elliott, E. M., Shelton, J. T., †Roussel, C., †Groft, S., & †Karan, T. (2008, November). Working memory capacity and the ability to avoid source memory errors. Poster presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago.

Elliott, E. M., Shelton, J. T., †Lynn, S. D., & Morey, C. C. (2007, November). Individual differences in interference from auditory distracters: The role of working memory capacity. Poster presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Long Beach.

Shelton, J. T., Elliott, E. M., †Hill, B. D., & Gouvier, W. D. (2006, November). Laboratory Versus Psychometric Assessment of Working Memory: Are We Measuring the Same Thing? Poster presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Houston.

†Hill, B. D., Shelton, J. T., Elliott, E., *Calamia, M., & Gouvier, W. (2006, October). The relationship between fluid intelligence and clinical vs. experimental measures of working memory. Poster presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, San Antonio.

Ross, D., Benton, T., Marsil, D., McDonnell, S., Shelton, J. T., †Silver, C., & Metzger, R. (2006, March). Older adults are less likely to make the bystander misidentification error. Poster presented at the 2006 meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, St. Petersburg, FL.

Shelton, J. T., Elliott, E. M., †Lynn, S. D., & †Domangue, T. D. (2005, November). The relationships of auditory distraction and measures of working memory. Poster presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto.

†Logan, J., Shelton, J. T., Warren, A., & Metzger, R. (2005, January). False memory development: When, how, and why. Poster presented at the biennial conference for the Society of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition in Wellington, New Zealand.

Shelton, J. T., Elliott, E. M., & Metzger, R. L. (2004, November). The effects of cell phone distraction on working memory. Poster presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis.

Shelton, J. T., Metzger, R. L., & Warren, A. (2003).The modified lag task as a measure of working memory. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Atlanta, GA.

Shelton, J. T., Metzger, R. L., & Warren, A. (2003).The modified lag task as a measure of working memory. Presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.