Health & Physical Education

More about the Health and P.E. program

The mission of this program is to inspire youth to become responsible for their overall wellness in hopes that they will choose a healthy lifestyle enhancing behaviors both now and in the future. The program also aims to motivate the students to understand and incorporate physical activity in their everyday lives. The curriculum is designed to help students understand that the decisions they make can affect the quality and longevity of their lives.

Required Courses

Physical Education

6th – 9th Grades

Physical education focuses on the National Standards for Physical Education. The overall goals for students include: being physically active, having a positive attitude towards the activity being presented, and attending class in appropriate physical education attire. A wide variety of activities and skills are covered each week with a short introductory game, fitness activity, and a lesson focus. Students are exposed to numerous sports and activities that include team and lifetime sports, adventure activities, and team building strategies.

Health 7

7th Grade

The curriculum is designed to help students understand that the decisions they make can affect the quality and quantity of their lives both now and in the future. The health lessons and activities focus on the National Health Standards, and include: personal wellness, mental and emotional wellness, nutrition, decision making and conflict resolution, alcohol and other drug abuse, healthy relationships, human sexuality, physical activity, and communicable and non-communicable diseases.

Health 9

9th Grade

Upon completion of this class, the students will be able to identify and explain various systems in the body and how they work together. The students will also be able to explain how stress, sexually transmitted diseases, mental disorders, and puberty affect the body’s natural functioning. The topics covered include: personal wellness, goal setting, mental and emotional wellness, nutrition, alcohol and other drug abuse, body systems, human sexuality, and early childhood development.