UCS Grade 3/4 Newsletter
November 1, 2024
Animal Sculptures!
Students began to build the form for their animal sculptures with Mrs. Aucter this week. We used newspaper, cardboard, tape, and other recycled materials to begin the shape of their animal. Our next step will be to begin papier macheing the animal. We can't wait to share our creations for our animal gallery on November 21st!
Can you guess what some of these animal shapes might be?
All School Meetings: Families Invited
Throughout the rest of the school year, each class at UCS will lead a Friday all school meeting. The meetings are on Fridays from 8:00-8:30. When your child's class is leading the meeting, families will be invited to join and be in the audience. Here are the dates that each of our classes will be leading:
Mrs. Giguere's Class: Friday, November 15th
Mrs. Bernier's Class: Friday, December 13th
Ms. Melone's Class: Friday, January 24th
November Lunch Menu
****Please note that if your child orders just a milk, then you will have a .75 cent charge on your account. Sometimes students will order just the milk on Fridays when the chocolate milk is served.
From The Health Office: Hygiene Lesson
Last week the students met with Nurse Tara to talk about personal hygiene.
Here are the topics we covered:
Importance of regularly showering or taking a bath - using soap and shampoo and washing all body parts.
Using deodorant if needed
Clean underwear and socks every day
Clean clothing
Brushing teeth twice daily
Keeping our heads to ourselves to prevent the spread of head lice.
We spoke about students at this age taking responsibility for themselves and not needing parents to remind them about these hygiene items.
Students are encouraged to talk to a trusted adult if they have questions.
Lantern Parade
Animal Gallery
Outdoor Clothing Reminder
As the weather is changing (as we know it does in Vermont at this time of the year) please help your child by wearing layers. We go outside in all types of weather each day. It is also helpful for them to have hats, mittens, and separate indoor and outdoor shoes. Thank you for supporting your child with this.
Important Dates
November 5th ~ NO SCHOOL (Election Day)
November 6th ~ Picture Retake Day
November 6th ~ Student Early Release Day/Staff PD
November 7th ~ Virtual PTO Meeting
November 21st ~ Animal Gallery and UCS Lantern Walk
November 25th - November 29th ~ NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Break)
PTO News
Looking to connect with other families from UCS? The PTO is putting together a student directory. Please consider filling out this form to submit your information. (Link is: https://forms.gle/FSNBZuTY3N9wnWXH6 ) Thanks!
Current Curriculum Units
Social Studies
Vermont Geography
We are learning about the geography of Vermont. We will explore its geographic features and how they affect its residents. We will also explore what features make Vermont unique and what it is known for.
The Focus Questions for this unit are:
What are Vermont's geographic features?
How do they affect its residents?
What do different maps tell us?
Which Vermont features make it unique?
What are Vermont's 14 counties?
We have begun our unit on structure and function. Students will be researching an animal and learning about their structure and how it functions and helps them survive in their environment.
Third Grade
Third graders finished our first multiplication and division unit. We will begin a new unit on addition and subtraction next week.
Fourth Grade
Fourth graders are working on solving multiplication problems with 2-digit numbers, understanding the meaning and structure of, and the relationship between, multiplication and division, and using that understanding to solve multiplication and division problems. Students use marked and unmarked arrays to represent multiplication strategies that involve breaking numbers apart. They solve and represent division story problems, including problems with remainders. Students develop strategies for breaking the numbers in larger multiplication problems apart in order to use number relationships that they know, including multiplying by a multiple of 10.
Check out this letter that includes samples of the types of math that we’ll be exploring if you are interested in more details. Click Here.
Students in third and fourth grade have literacy menus to complete each week. These consist of reading responses, independent reading, cursive practice, and word work. Students have been responding to text in their reader's notebooks. They are learning how to respond by restating the question, answering the question, citing evidence and then explaining their answer. This is the RACE model and we will be learning more about this throughout the year.
Social Media Sites
Underhill Central School 3/4 Teachers
Abbie Bernier, Mia Melone, Kristy Giguere
Location: 6 Irish Settlement Rd, Underhill, VT 05489
Phone: 802.899.4676