College Applications


1) Complete the Application

You can find the application on the college's admission website. If the application requires an essay, make sure to review the Top Ten Tips for Writing a College Essay.

2) Pay the Application Fee

If you are on free/reduced lunch, you may request that your counselor send an application fee waiver to colleges of which you have applied. Please email your counselor once you have finished your application.

3) Send your Transcript

Fill out this form to send your transcript! Do not fill out this form until you have applied for admission.

4) Send your ACT Scores

At MHS, your transcript includes your ACT score. However, some schools require that your ACT score be sent directly from ACT. You can use the (4) free score report choices when you register for the ACT, or send them directly from ACT's website for $12 per institution.

Best Match & Fit Worksheet

Best Match and Fit Worksheet.docx

Apply To An Area College :)