
“You will always struggle with not feeling productive until you accept that your own joy can be something you produce. It is not the only thing you will make, nor should it be, but it is something valuable and beautiful.” Hank Green


Thank you to J. Carlos Martínez Mori for introducing me to the following axioms, which can be found here.

Erdős Number

My Erdős Number is less than or equal to 3:

You can look up your own number through MathSciNet.


My current research has led me to working with FindStat, an online database of combinatorial maps and statistics. Becoming a contributor to FindStat is straightforward, and the database is expanding on a daily basis. The link to the database that is built into Sage has proven very useful for experimental data. The database could be missing your favorite combinatorial statistic, so please consider checking out the database and contributing. There is also a list of citations, which include the various publications and preprints that have utilized FindStat.

GRWC Tradition

The Downing Planetarium at Fresno State

For 5 years, I was an assistant at the Downing Planetarium, helping out with the school groups that would visit the Planetarium and Museum. While I am not a physicist, I did learn a lot during my tenure there, and could probably still answer questions if you happen to find me during a solar eclipse. This job was my first job in STEM education, and if you find yourself in Fresno I highly recommend looking up their schedule to see a show.


All the header images on this site were taken by me over the last decade. They are from conference/workshop trips, or related to places I lived while working the various jobs I've had through my career.