Frequently asked questions

Please take a moment to read through the frequently asked questions below to see if the answers you're looking are here. 

For detailed FAQ about a specific subscription, please click on the individual subscription details from the


Q: When will my newly enrolled student receive their subscriptions? 

A: Subscriptions for newly enrolled students can take up to 7-10 business days to be processed. If it's after 10 business days, please contact for further assistance. 

Q: How do I opt-in or opt-out?

A: This year there will be no opt-in or opt-out options (nor will there be any opt-out funds).  All students will automatically receive subscriptions based on their grade level.  

Q: When will I receive my OSP subscriptions?

A: Subscriptions can take up to 7-10 business days to be processed. If it's after 10 business days, please contact for further assistance. 

Q: What if my student is working above and/or below grade level? 

A: For most subscriptions, the students will be placed in the program based on their enrolled grade level but you may have the ability to adjust the settings.  Some subscriptions, such as MobyMax, will assess where your student's level is based on an initial placement "test" and will automatically place your child where they need to be in the curriculum.  This will help fix any gaps and also ensure your student doesn't have to repeat learning objectives they've already mastered.  For MobyMax, please work with your Homeschool Teacher (HST) to fine-tune any assignments.

Q: What if I want a subscription not included in my student's grade-level package? 

A: Reading Eggs, Mathseeds., IXL, and Shmoop will be available via the A LA CARTE for students who do not automatically receive these subscriptions based on their grade level.

Please note, however, that some subscriptions may have grade limitations.  For example, Shmoop only offers online courses/content for grades 6-12.  Therefore, a third-grade student shouldn't submit a request for a Shmoop subscription.  Likewise, MobyMax only covers grades TK-8th so it is not made available for in the A LA CARTE options for high school students.  

Q: Can I select a higher or lower grade level package instead?

A: All subscriptions will be provided to students based on their enrolled grade level.  If your student is working above and/or below grade level and you would like access to one of the other subscriptions, you may order the subscription via A LA CARTE.

Q: Can my students share the subscriptions?  

A: The subscriptions are intended for individual student use and only one student login will be provided.   

Q: How long are the subscriptions good for?   

A: This will vary, depending on the subscription. However, as a general rule, all subscriptions will be available to the student through the last day of school for the school year they were purchased for. 

Q: How does A LA CARTE ordering work?

A: Families may use their planning amounts to order additional subscriptions available through the OSP A LA CARTE.  

CLICK HERE for more information on OSP A LA CARTE or CLICK HERE for instructions on placing A LA CARTE order requests in the Homeschool Hub (HUB). 

Q: What are the A LA CARTE prices for each subscription?

A: A LA CARTE pricing will only be available through the Homeschool Hub (HUB).  Pricing is discounted based on the retail cost of each subscription. 

Q: Can I change or cancel our A LA CARTE subscription if we change our mind or my student doesn't like it?  

A: If the order request is still pending, you may cancel/change the subscription. Unfortunately, we cannot cancel or change a subscription after it has already been processed.

Q: Do I have to purchase the same A LA CARTE subscription twice if we want to use it for 2 kids?

A: As mentioned above, the subscriptions are intended for individual student use and only one student login will be provided.  However, there are exceptions as noted below.  

The following subscriptions allow for additional users:

ABC Mouse & Adventure Academy allows up to 3 students

Grammarly Premium and Adobe Creative Cloud are single accounts but allows logging into multiple devices (Adobe has a restriction of up to 2 devices).

For FAQ about a specific subscription, please click on the individual subscription details from the



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