
ELA is all about reading and writing. You will improve your reading comprehension skills, gain experience with all different genres of books and texts, and learn to discuss and write about what you have read. You will keep a notebook of reading and writing ideas, strategies, drafts, original work, and resources. We use a curriculum called StudySync. Assignments will be on paper and posted to Google Classroom.  

Our readings will be a combination of fiction and nonfiction, including:

Your learning will be assessed with questions that you answer, in writing and other formats. Multiple choice questions, paragraph writing, and essay writing will also be expected. Text evidence and your own ideas must be included in your responses. Correct grammar and mechanics is expected.  

You will write:

Reading Resources

Classroom Library Books

Access and browse classroom library books here: Booksource Classroom Link


Because listening to books is reading too!

Mrs. Wuerthner's Audiobook Library 

Other Reading Resources

Epic! Books - online books and magazines

Millbury Public Library - get a free library card to borrow books

Audible for Kids - selection of free audiobooks for kids