Mrs. Wuerthner

Contact Me:

Phone:  (508) 865-3541 ext. 34234

Email is the best way to get in touch with me. I generally do not check email after 5:00 pm, or on weekends, and will respond the next weekday. 

Academic Expectations


Students are now in sixth grade. Grading standards will be high. Students will have opportunities to redo or improve their work so that they can learn from mistakes and failures. I will not accept requests from parents and caregivers for these opportunities. Students must advocate for themselves.

Plagiarism & Cheating:

Plagiarism and cheating will earn any students involved an automatic zero on that assignment.

Revisions & Corrections:

I will also provide opportunities for students to redo or improve their work so they can learn from their mistakes and failures. For example, if a student turns in a paper or project and receives a poor grade on it, that student can work to improve and revise their work, ask me for help if needed, and then turn in that same work again and I will re-grade it to reflect their improvements. Students can redo assignments as many times as needed until grades close for the term.

I will not accept requests for redos and revisions from grown-ups and parents. Students must advocate for themselves. They are aware of this policy - it is on our ELA and Social Studies syllabi.  

Class Expectations

Hard work - if everything was easy, you would not learn anything. 

Respect - we respect each other, even when we disagree.

Fun and Community - we will build classroom community through discussion, laughter, games, and fun. 

Classwork and Homework


All ELA and Social Studies classwork assignments and instructions are posted on Google Classroom.

All assignments must be completed to the best of your ability and turned in on time.


 Homework will always involve independent reading books, chosen by the student with my assistance when needed. Students must read for at least 20 minutes each weeknight. Please ask your student about their reading goals and the books they are reading. 

Additionally, there will be other homework for ELA and Social Studies assigned throughout the week. Assignments that are homework will be marked "HW" on Google classroom. If you have additional questions about homework, please let me know. 

Helpful Links

Manages all student accounts

All assignments posted here

Tool for video projects and assignments

Read this...

Why Struggle Is Essential for the Brain

"Neuroscientists have found that mistakes are helpful for brain growth and connectivity and if we are not struggling, we are not learning. Not only is struggle good for our brains but people who know about the value of struggle improve their learning potential."

Read more here...