Mr. Tarka

Room 1 Absolutes:

 1.  Respect materials, school property, and each other.

2.  Arrive to class with appropriate materials.

3.  Valid questions are appreciated and help is always available.

4.  Interfering with "Tarka's Time" is a bad idea.

5.  Your teacher will do everything he can to make this year your best.

Quizzes and tests will be given throughout the year along with other assorted projects.  Notification is usually given several days in advance of assessments.

Any test that a student scores below a 70 will be stamped "Please sign and return".  It is the responsibility of the student to bring the paper(s) home, get them signed by a parent/guardian, and return them to Mr. Tarka.

Please see the quiz corrections explanation sheet for additional information.

Homework will consist of the completion of ST Math puzzles.  We suggest students work approximately 20 minutes each night which should work to roughly 40-60 puzzles weekly to start.  The number will increase as the year progresses.

My preferred method of communication is by telephone at (508) 865-3541.  I find questions and concerns can be answered much quicker with a proper conversation.

Please click the chalkboard to see our Student/Parent Slideshow