Academic Pressure

Academic Pressure

According to a study conducted by the American Psychological Association (2013), adolescents are experiencing levels of stress that are similar to adults, especially during the school year. Teens report that "their stress levels are higher than they believe is healthy, do not appear to understand the impact of stress on their physical or mental health, and report that stress affects their personal relationships. "

School can be a place of high stress for teens for a variety of reasons. Many students strive for perfection, especially in their GPA and school performance. There may be pressure from parents to do well, as well as competition between classmates. Many students strive to make it into their "dream school" for college- this can raise expectations and result in increased pressure to perform in many areas of life: academics, sports, extracurricular activities, etc.

Here are some ways to manage academic pressure:

  • Take Care of Yourself: See tips to managing stress by practicing healthy routines like getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising.
  • Practice good time management: Pressure and stress often build when we have too many tasks pile up at once. By planning ahead, you build in time to deal with unexpected situations that may happen.
  • Break down long term goals into smaller, more attainable goals: Processes like applying to college or working on a long project can be duanting and overwhelming. Try to set smaller goals for yourself. This way, you are more likely to see success in each step you attain. Reward yourself for reaching each goal by your desired deadline.
  • Positive self-talk: Often, we tend to believe a situation is much worse than it really is. Reminding yourself of the times that you have had success or have gotten through a stressful situation in the past. You are capable of getting through it again.
  • Talk to someone: Talk to a parent, friend or trusted adult about your workload or difficult assignments coming up. They can often help you plan how to tackle such work and provide words of encouragement
  • Don't be afraid to talk to your teachers/guidance counselor: Usually when you approach a teacher or your guidance counselor in advance, they can help you come up with solutions to make the work more manageable.
  • Make time to relax: Everyone needs time to relax and unwind. It helps your body and your mind recharge so you have the stamina to face the tasks that require more effort and focus.

The MHS Student Center provides counseling services to support students in areas that affect and/or impact their education. The purpose of this website is to provide information regarding mental health topics. The supports listed in this website are suggestions that can be utilized.