Grade 9

(Current 8th grade)

Scheduling for 9th Grade

Below you will find the course selection guide for grade 9. Our students typically register for 40 credits per year. This includes 5 core subjects (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and World Language), Physical Education and Health, and 10 elective credits. Sample schedules are included for your reference.

We advise our 9th grade students to consider the NJ State Graduation Requirements when selecting courses. Specifically, all students must complete 5 credits in Fine/Performing Arts, and 2.5 credits in Financial Literacy. In addition, we recommend that our 9th grade students choose Thinking & Writing during their first year at MHS. This course helps students develop a strong foundation for successful writing in future courses across all subject areas at MHS.

Scheduling Freshmen 2022-23 (3).pdf