Meet the Counselors

Nancy Siegel-Head Counselor

Mrs. Siegel has spent the whole of her career in service to Millburn High School students and families. The Millburn High School Counseling Department is lucky to have her expertise, experience, and wisdom iwhen it comes to navigating high school and planning for college and beyond.

Derrick Gabene

Mr. Gabene is the newest member of the MHS Counseling team. He comes to us with 10+ years in education. He is excited to get to know Millburn students and families.

Anne Gregory 

Mrs. Gregory joins the Millburn team this year with many years of experience in school counseling. She is excited to get to know her students and our community!

Yesenia Hermann

Ms. Hermann joined MHS in 2011. In addition to her counseling duties,  she is the special testing coordinator for our department. She also serves as the New Student Club Advisor.

Steven Kroeger

Mr. Kroeger is new to Millburn this year. He brings experience as a school counselor as well as an athletic coach. He is excited to join our counseling team!

 Kaitlyn Reilly

Mrs. Reilly joined the MHS counseling staff  in 2020. She brings many years of experience to our team. Mrs. Reilly assists with PSAT testing and our awards program.

Mary Clare Touma

Mrs. Touma has been a vital part of the MHS counseling department since 1993. She is an excellent mentor to our novice counselors and a strong advocate for her students. Mrs. Touma coordinates our junior book awards.

Meghan Garland-College and Career Counselor

Ms. Garland joined the counseling team at MHS in 2009. She is the College and Career Counselor, Naviance Coordinator, and Advisor to the Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) and the MHS Quiz Bowl.

Counseling Support Staff

Laura Becker

Mrs. Becker assists Mrs. Touma and Mrs. Gregory

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Joan Cila

Mrs. Cila assists Mr. Kroeger, Mrs. Hermann and Mrs. Reilly

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Amy Laperruque

Mrs. Laperruque assists Mrs. Siegel, Mr. Gabene, and Ms. Garland

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