Solar Racer

Solar Car Challenge 2024

Held once a year at the Texas Motor Speedway.

About the Solar Car Challenge

The Solar Car Challenge is the top project-based STEM Initiative helping motivate students in Science, Engineering, and Alternative Energy. In 1993, the Solar Car Team launched an education program to teach high school students how to build and safely race roadworthy solar cars.

The Solar Car Challenge Education Program met this objective, and worked to provide hands-on workshops, virtual learning videos, curriculum materials, and on-site visits for high schools across the country. The end product of each two-year education cycle is the Solar Car Challenge: a closed-track event at the world famous Texas Motor Speedway, or a cross country race designed to give students an opportunity to display and drive their solar cars.

National sponsors for the Solar Car Challenge: Oncor, Texas Instruments, Lockheed Martin, Hunt Oil Company, Dell Computers, Green Mountain Energy, The Acclivus Corporation, Austin Energy, and EarthX. The Solar Car Challenge is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) non-profit education foundation.


Rules for the 2022 Race