Brainstorming #1

Brainstorming #1

10/5/2021 9:34:23

Aileen. Amarise

  1. We can come up with a plan to build a claw to pick up the items.

  2. BUT....We would need to come up with a special claw because the items will be different sizes.

  3. For the robot build, I would want to try to see if we could build a small officiant robot so It will be real easy for the robot.

  4. Will we have a practice one before we do this?

  5. We could build a original rev robot but we could modify the robot for the competition. As if later on...

  6. How many people can be in a group?

  7. We could make different ways to pick up the items and we can test them to see which one we could use.

  8. Whenever we are done building we can focus in the parts that have the most points.

  9. We can build the robot delicate so it won't knock over the balance thing.

  10. Whenever we program we need to make sure that the code is appropriate and accurate for the build and the competition.

  11. The whole class can write down their strongest strategies for the competition, and based off that we could use those different people for different things during the build, code and etc.

  12. We could add extra motors to make it faster.

  13. We could focus on how much we get from the items to the right spot and seeing on how many points we get.

  14. Can we pick up more than 1 item?

  15. We can practice with fast reflex skills, because the remote drivers has 2 minutes so it would give them pressure.

  16. We can create higher wheels to get over the bump.

  17. since the blocks are heavy we have to make sure it doesn't lose balance.

  18. We can test our own different builds for the claws to pick up different kinds of mass/ weight/ size.

  19. We need to make a design to pick up all of these items.

  20. The robot has to have an accurate pace and drive because the area is measured by the length and width.

10/5/2021 9:48:33

Belinda and Lilian

  1. Question; Why is the introduction going on and on about helping the world improve its transportation system when this is robotics?

  2. Question; Is the team shipping element picked for the team or does the team get to pick it? And if so, then what are the boundaries?

  3. Question; What is TesnorFlow technology?

  4. Build; It has an extendable arm

  5. Build; It has wheels that can go over the floor things that guard the warehouse thing

  6. Question; how will the alliance teams be picked?

  7. Build; Some sort of weight sensor to know which box or whatever to pick up...?

  8. Question; Will all robots run at the same time?

  9. Question; How are we expected to rotate the carousel?

  10. Question; Why do we need a coach?

  11. Question; Do we loose points if one robot crashes into another?

  12. Build; We need a strong, stable claw

  13. Question/Build; do we need something that can hold more than one more item?

  14. Build: We could make a scoop like build that could move up and down.

  15. Question: What would happen if the robot were to break during the match?

  16. Question: Which objects/Challenges should we prioritize?

  17. Question; Why do we have to do this??????

  18. Build: We would need something that could pick up something that is a little heavy and still hold it up.

  19. Question; What if the hub breaks?

  20. Question; What happens if the robot runs out of battery?

10/5/2021 9:52:16

Lauren, Santanne, Willow

  1. Creating a claw with two hemishperes to pick up the ball Section 4.4, uncontrolled and controlled movements defonition

  2. Using the claw on the rev robot to pick up to rubber duck Section 4.4

  3. scoop that goes uderneath the robot.

  4. A flat scoop on the bottom of a scoop, a bak wall to secure it

  5. Bowl shaped claw going down over the items

  6. We could use a scissor lift to make the boxes left heavy

  7. use a shorter arm to minomize the effect from the weighted blocks

  8. Print the paper manuel to stay more organized

  9. Will we need a smaller robot to have enough space on the mat?

  10. Use a "gummy" or rubber peice on the claw to keep it more secure

  11. Aviod using plows for penalties

  12. Add a small peice of card stock paper underneath the bowl idea to keep the object form rolling away, and so we can lift the object off the ground

  13. How can we get over the barrier

  14. we can use an elevator to raise the objects

  15. we can use a type of treadmill strip to rotate the plate

  16. we can use tank wheels to get over the barrier

  17. using larger wheels to Get over the barrier

  18. Do we want to create a robot arm that can raise up and down, or create a contraptoin that will release the peices from different exits

  19. How could wee aviod picking up too many peices at once?

  20. How much total time do we have?

10/5/2021 11:33:39

Serintey, Julia, and Leana

  1. A tunnel like arm with a sheet underneath it so an item won't fall from the bottom.

  2. A box like arm that has a slide in door so it won't fall from the front as well as a sheet on the bottom so it won't fall that way as well.

  3. We will need thicker legs to go over the pipes to save time.

  4. Put the box on the covaer that is in the middle to make the bottom touch our side of the line.

  5. To turn the wheel

  6. For the first 30 seconds we want to go put a box in the shifting hove that is the right level then move to go into the warehouse fully.

10/5/2021 11:34:11

Eliza, Hannah, Tatiana

  1. Arms that scoop stuf to a basket

  2. Basket that holds Items and moves

  3. Small robot

  4. some sort of wheel to turn the carosoel

  5. a kind of scoop for ball and cubes

  6. use treads to creat some kind of fork lift

  7. well balenced arm

  8. small arm

  9. small robot size

  10. sturdy base

  11. scoop for balls

  12. organize code well so it is not confuseing

  13. train EVERYONE!! in both controls regardles for back up

  14. Multibal joined Arm??

  15. sensore for atonmus mode

  16. color sensor

  17. Distance sensors

  18. Bumper sesors

  19. use big weels to drive over stuff

  20. HAVE FUN???

10/5/2021 11:34:58

Ariana S, Kayla B, Ruby A

  1. Can you carry more than one thing at a time?

  2. Can you restart your robot before it actually starts?

  3. Can you give advice to the opposing teams?

  4. How many parts can you have on your robot?

  5. kayla will explain

  6. kayla will explain the second one all so