
Fundraiser 1: Chick-fil-a: Spirit Night

Students that would like to go to chick-fil-a on Friday after school, would have to get a ticket from the office that week and get a ticket. When they go to chick-fil-a all the students have to do is show them the tickets, so they know the student is a part of YWLA. The student and their family would order as normal and half of the funds.


-Talk to manner about hosting Spirit Night

-Get half of the funds only YWLA students (their families)

-Give students tickets (buy at dollar general)

-Est. funds 3,675.75

Fundraiser 2: Dunk Tank and Pies

We would rent a dunk tank and make the pies full of whip cream also the Vice President would bring the corn hole stuff. After school on Friday students would come to the field where the pies, corn hole, and dunk tank would be set up. Each pie that the students would throw at a teacher would be $2.00 each and the balls for the dunk tank would be $2.00 each also. There will be other fun activities like cornhole with food and drinks in the flex space. If students would like to play all the games and get the food free there will be wrist bands available.

-Rent dunk tank (250)

-Buy food and drinks already packaged

-Make pies before the event starts

-Buy whip cream

-Bring corn hole

-Wrist Bands (10)

-Food (3.50 at most)

-Drinks(2 at most)

-Balls(2) Pies(2)

-Est. 3,985

Fundraiser 3: Free Dress

If a student would like a free dress pass for four days, not including Wednesday,