Hibiscus Moscheutos

(Leaf vouocher of Haibiscus moscheutos by June N. Brown)

Scientific name: Hibiscus moscheutos

Common name: Crimsoneyed Rose-Mallow, Marshmellow Haibiscus


Light: Full sun

Soil: Wet. Clay and loamy. Grows near/in water

Climate: Swampy/marshes. Water is about 3-6 deep

Hardiness(Zone): H4


Shape: A mix of ovate(oval shaped) and deltoid(widens at the base befor narowing). It also has bumpy edges as opposed to being smooth

Vein Pattern: Alternative

Texture: Hairy

Height: 3-7 feet (91-213 cm)


Frequency: Perenial

Season: July-September


Color: white but purple at base

Diameter: about 13cm

Quantity: About one per stem

This is interesting as there will usually be a cluster of what appears to be premature flower pods but only one usually lives to maturity.

(Hibiscus Moscheutos Flower by June N. Brown)

Seed/Seed Pods:

Circumfrence of pod: 1.2cm

Circumference of seeds: >0.1 cm

Color of Mature Seeds: Black

Color of Inmature Seeds: White

The seeds tend to grow in a cluster sheltered from the elements in green sepals

Photos of Hibiscus moscheutos:

