Celtis Laevitgata

Scientific name: Celtis Laevigata

Common name: Sugarberry

Size (Height and width): 4 1/2 in. tall and 1 1/4 in. wide

Life History Stage: Blooms flowers from April to May, survives the fall, and can live up to 150 years

Features: Part of a tree (too difficult to collect)

Characteristics: Apple green color, smooth surface, and delicate

Origin : St. Louis MO, United States (Ladue 63124)

Coordinates: Lat. 038*39'39"N and Lon. 090*23'42"W

Homeland: Run off and dry/wet land

Where the plant is located: The tree sits in a shady and sunny spot where there is run off and dry/wet land

Pictured: Scanned image of a Celtis Laevigata

Pictured: Image of the full Celtis Laevigata tree

Pictured: Close up image of a Celtis Laevigata