Development of Self

Skills for Life

Events and workshops that will cover the following skills for life:

Contribution to Community

Students in the Future MIC Future Pathways Senior Studies Program are called upon to make a valuable contribution to the college community and the wider Sunshine Coast community as global citizens. 

Students undertake service to the community, both locally and globally. As students initiate, plan and implement projects, they gain opportunities to demonstrate leadership skills. 

Beyond MIC

This component is highly flexible and should embody a student's passion and interest for learning something beyond the classroom. 

Students may choose from a diverse range of options. From formal learning pathways, such as TAFE courses, to creating their own Beyond MIC, such as studying short online courses or work experience. 

Students should choose learning options that are compatible with the rest of their workload. 

Examples of Beyond MIC options

TAFE at School

USC Headstart


MOOCs. Eg Coursera

Duke of Edinburgh Award

School-based Traineeship

Please note that some courses have an associated course fee. 

In most cases, payment of any fee relating to a course outside of MIC will not be covered by the College and is the responsibility of the student's family.