Brisbane School of Distance Education

Extended Opportunities

A cornerstone of the Future Pathways Senior Studies Program is to assist each young person in creating an individualised SET Plan unique to them. Our small program has specialist teachers in many areas of study. However, there may be times when a student needs to study a course not currently delivered at MIC. 

For this reason, MIC works with Brisbane School of Distance (BSDE) to provide further course selection opportunities to students. BSDE offers a wide range of subjects for students to study to enrich their MIC SET Plans.

Students contemplating online learning need to understand the increased level of personal engagement and management required to successfully completion of courses.  Please consider your individual learning style before commencing online learning. 

Montessori International College does not recommend more than 2 online education courses to be taken as part of a SET Plan. 

Course One is covered as part of the MIC Future Pathways Senior Studies Program.

Course Two is subsidised by MIC for 60% of the enrollment fee per semester. The remaining 40% will be invoiced to parents. 

Possible BSDE courses for 2025