Why should we care?

Impaired Waterways


Pollution in the streams or lakes have negatively affected their use for drinking water, fishing recreation or aquatic life.

Category 5 = most severe impairment

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PA Problem

1/3 of lakes & 1/5 of streams in PA are impaired (DEP, 2018 red = category 5)

Read more in this article

How are we doing?

Investigate the quality of our waterways using this Interactive MAP of PA

(DEP, 2018)

Aquatic Life

Stormwater runoff pushes excess nutrients into rivers & streams. Excess nutrients (especially nitrogen and phosphorus) act as fuel for harmful algae blooms. These blooms block sunlight from reaching grasses that grow on the bottom of waterways. As the algae is decomposed, they create "dead zones" that rob the water of oxygen. Without enough oxygen, fish like the smallmouth bass and other aquatic animals like oysters, suffocate. (cbf, n.d.) This destroys the aquatic community.

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Smallmouth Bass

Drinking Water

Polluted water can end up in public drinking water systems and private wells. Watch this video that shows how stormwater becomes drinking water - video

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Recreational Activities

Pesticides, leaking fuel or motor oil from cars/boats can enter into waterways with stormwater run off. While using streams and lakes for swimming, kayaking, or fishing you may be exposed to these chemicals in the water which can be harmful to human health.

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