How can we help?

Collect & Reuse Rain Water

Mommaerts, 2009 - Link

Reduce chemical use on lawns & gardens

Pic Link

Pick up trash

Vicol, 2012 - Link

Create a Rain Garden

Pic Link

Use porous surfaces (gravel or pavers) rather than concrete

Pic Link

Direct downspouts onto grass or gravel

Pic Link

Reduce # of carwashes on concrete surfaces

Pic Link

Fertilize your lawn/ garden in the fall

Mills - Link

Pick up and properly dispose of pet waste

pic link

Choose EPA "Safer Choice" house products (ie: Laundry detergent & soap)

Steven Depolo, 2016

Reduce single use plastic

Pic link

Buy local and sustainable produce

Natalie Maynor, 2011

Click to learn "Why" these habit changes can help us keep our water clean!