Stormwater 101

Severe Weather Events

July & August 2018 were the wettest on record in PA. Susquehanna River floodgates were opened multiple times during the summer dumping record amounts of freshwater into the Chesapeake Bay. (CBF, n.d.)

Hoden, Link


National Weather Services noted 2018 saw "historic flooding in Lower Susquehanna Valley" with Swatara Creek reaching 16.5 feet (the second highest on record). Damages caused by flood cost York County $2.6 million dollars (Kinney, 2018).

Hummelstown Beaver Creek Flooding 2018

Sarah Goodman, 2018

Capital Region Wastewater Treatment Facility

Sarah Goodman, 2018

Stormwater Runoff

As rainwater falls on the ground, it can be absorbed by trees, soak into soil or travels across streets, rooftops and sidewalks into storm drains. During its route, it can pick up harmful pollutants including: fertilizer, pet waste, sand, chemical contaminants and litter (CBF, n.d.)