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Dehart Dam - Sarah Goodman 2018

Works Cited

Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF). (2018). Homepage. Retrieved September 15, 2018, from

McCallie, E. (2003). Science 101: What is a watershed. Science and Children 70 (4):17.

National Environmental Education Training Foundation (1999). National report card on environmental knowledge, attitudes, behaviors: Seventh annual Roper Survey of Adult Americans. Washington DC.

Shepardson, E., B. Wee, M. Priddy, L. Schellenberger, J. Harbor. (2007). What is a watershed? Implications of student conceptions for Environmental Science Education and the National Science Education Standards. Science Education. DOI 10.1002/sce.20206.

Smedinghoff, J. (2018). What this summer’s rainfall could mean for the bay. Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Retrieved from

Swatara Watershed Association. (n.d.) About. Retrieved September 30, 2018, from