Science Core Courses

District Supervisor of Science: Dr. Kevin Doyle, 


Grades 9, 10; 5  credits; One Year Elective; No Prerequisites

This college preparatory course presents the physical and life processes of Earth from an environmental perspective.  Students will study ecology and the special properties and problems in sustaining the quality of Earth's air, water, and soil.   A range of environmental issues will be discussed including water pollution, air pollution, population dynamics, and energy resources. Case histories, laboratory activities, and field studies are an integral part of this course.  A special emphasis will be given to ecological perspectives.


Grades 9 (CPA only), 10, 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Required; Pre- or Co-requisite for Biology CPA: Algebra 1 CPA (Grade 9 only) 

This college preparatory, laboratory oriented course is designed to provide an introduction to the structure and function of living things. The major biological topics studied are the following: scientific inquiry, biochemistry, cellular biology, Mendelian genetics, molecular genetics, DNA biotechnology, evolution, and ecology. The curriculum emphasizes laboratory activities and investigative processes. 


Grades 9, 10, 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Required; Pre- or Co-requisite: Algebra 1 CPA; Recommended: Strong work ethic and motivation 

This laboratory oriented course is designed to provide an introduction to the structure and function of living things. A particular focus of this curriculum is the analysis of mathematical data derived from a laboratory study. The major biological topics studied are the following: scientific inquiry, biochemistry, cellular biology, Mendelian genetics, molecular genetics, DNA biotechnology, evolution, and ecology. Cellular biochemical processes are studied in detail. 


Grades 10 (CPA only), 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective;  Minimum Prerequisite: Algebra I & Biology I. Pre- or Co-requisite for CPA: CPA level math or higher strongly recommended; high-achieving students in CPB level math will be recommended on an individual basis.

This college preparatory course is designed to acquaint the student with the fundamentals of chemistry through experimentation, demonstration, analysis, and computation. Laboratory experience is an integral part of the course. Emphasis will be on conclusions drawn from qualitative observation, but an understanding of quantitative relationships is required. Symbolism, theory, and the mathematical implications of the theory of matter and the changes in its composition are discussed. Topics include the study of matter and energy; atomic theory and structure; reactions; chemical bonds; the nature of gases, liquids, and solids.


Grades 10, 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective;  Minimum Prerequisite: Algebra I & Biology 1 CPA (Biology 1H preferred); Co-requisite: Geometry CPA or higher 

(Grade 9 students who successfully complete Bio 1 Honors and achieve the "240-Rule" at either Copeland or Valleyview Middle School will be eligible to take Chemistry 1H)

This course focuses on laboratory work from which students develop unifying chemical principles. An in-depth approach to the learning of chemistry will be explored. Students who elect this course will be expected to have a strong mathematical background as mathematical approaches to problem-solving will be stressed. Among the topics covered are atomic theory, nature of matter, periodicity, mole concept, chemical bonding, energy, chemical reactions, and acid-base behavior. Students who took MHRD Biology H in Copeland or Valleyview Middle School and have met eligibility requirements may take this course in Grade 9. 


Grades 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective; Minimum Pre- or Corequisite: Algebra 2 CPA or higher strongly recommended; high-achieving students in CPB level math will be recommended on an individual basis.

This college preparatory course strikes a balance between the conceptual and mathematical approaches to physics principles. Topics include kinematics, Newton’s Laws of Motion, momentum, energy, gravity, waves, and electricity. The laws of motion, gravitation, and conservation of energy are studied in depth. The laws of motion, gravitation, and conservation of energy are studied in depth.  Laboratory demonstrations and activities rich in conceptual presentations are employed to develop students’ scientific curiosity and explain how the natural world can be understood by physics principles.


Grades 11, 12; 5 credits; Full Year; counts toward science graduation requirement.  Prerequisite: Biology 1 & Chemistry 1, honors preferred and recommended.  Corequisite: Algebra 2 or higher, honors preferred and recommended.

This course presents the students with the first half of College Physics, which is generally geared towards the non-physics science major (i.e. Biology Major).  This course will concentrate on challenging students to solve problems using their algebra-based mathematical skills. This course is designed for students who are interested in a career in a science or health-related field.  Topics covered will include kinematics, Newton’s Laws of Motion, gravitation, circular motion, work, energy, power, momentum, torque, simple harmonic motion, waves, sound electrostatic, and simple electric circuits. This course has a required Summer Assignment. 

Program of Studies Flow Chart 23-24