Business Courses

District Supervisor of Career & Technical Education: Mr. Keith Bigora, 


The Business Department at the Morris Hills Regional District offers students a wide variety of unique opportunities to prepare for the ever-changing world of business and business management. Course offerings range from introductory computer and business courses to learning leadership skills in Entrepreneurship and earning Microsoft Office Specialist certification. Students learn valuable life skills with our Personal Finance curriculum. A partnership with Fairleigh Dickinson University through the Early College Program offers students the opportunity to earn college credit in several courses before leaving high school. Seniors can take part in a Structured Learning Experience and earn on-the-job training in a job that relates directly to their career choice. Extra curricular programs include Future Business Leaders of America,  DECA,  and the Business Honor Society.  DECA and FBLA compete in regional and State-level competitions.

For more information on all Career and Technical Education classes at Morris Hills Regional, check out our informational YouTube videos

Business Courses

All courses listed below meet the 21st Century Life & Careers (TCLC) graduation requirement. Any course marked with an asterisk* also fulfills the Personal Financial Literacy (PFL) graduation requirement.  A student may not use one course to satisfy both the TCLC and PFL graduation requirements. 


Grades 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective

This course is designed to develop an understanding of law involving an individual’s rights and obligations as a student, worker, and a citizen. Criminal law, problems in society, marriage, divorce, contract law, banking law, court enforcement procedures, consumer law, and illustrative court case problems are some of the topics studied. This is a practical course which will demonstrate to the student that some type of law guides. Law is stressed as it applies to everyday use and to the most common business and personal transactions. ^^Three college credits may be earned through the Fairleigh Dickinson University Early College Program.  Course alignment varies on a year-to-year basis- check with your instructor. 


Grades 10, 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective

This course is designed to provide an understanding of the characteristics, the organization, and the operations of business. It is designed for students who are exploring the possibility of a career in business. The primary focus is on the role of the manager. Contemporary issues are introduced as well as factors that affect the economic trade winds that influence the American business environment and the responsibilities of business to society. Various management styles are explored.  ^^Three college credits may be earned through the Fairleigh Dickinson University Early College Program.  Course alignment varies on a year-to-year basis- check with your instructor. 


Grades 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective

This college-level course explores how a business keeps records of its various operations. Focus is upon current business and accounting practices. Attention is given to the role of professional judgment in both the development and interpretation of accounting information. The student learns the accounting methods used for handling various ownership sections and capital structures. This course is recommended for students planning to take college courses in accounting, business management, law, or entering the business field.  ^^Three college credits may be earned through the Fairleigh Dickinson University Early College Program.  Course alignment varies on a year-to-year basis- check with your instructor. 


Grade 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective; Prerequisite:  College Accounting 1H

This college-level course will provide students with an introduction to managerial accounting theory and practice.  Emphasis will be placed on the use of accounting techniques and concepts in managing, controlling, and decision-making within the organization.  Technology will be used extensively in the course to analyze and interpret data. This course is recommended for students planning to take college courses in accounting, business management, law, information processing, or entering the business field.  ^^Three college credits may be earned through the Fairleigh Dickinson University Early College Program.  Course alignment varies on a year-to-year basis- check with your instructor.


Grades 9, 10, 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective

This course is designed to help students develop good techniques in keyboarding and gain a comprehensive overview of word processing.  Instruction emphasizes the preparation of letters, memos, reports and other business-related documents. Upon completion, students should be able to keyboard, with accuracy, approximately 35 words per minute for five minutes.  Microsoft Word is the word processing package to be used in a Windows environment. Desktop Publishing features of Word will be explored in depth. Students will be introduced to using the Internet as a research tool for other courses.  Learning to copy data and graphics from the Internet for use in student documents will be addressed as well as using the net to communicate with others, both locally and globally. Advocating responsible student use of the Internet is a priority.  After one year many students develop skills which enable them to obtain part-time employment. Students enrolled in this course can earn Word professional certification from Certiport, the official testing company for Microsoft and Adobe software. Both Morris Hills and Morris Knolls are Certiport Testing Centers.  


Grades 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective; Prerequisite:  Successful completion of a previous business course 

How would you like to run your own business?  Or be your own boss?  Entrepreneurship provides students with the opportunity to explore the many facets that go into the day-to-day operations and long-term planning of a business.  The first half of the course will focus on key areas, such as Management, Accounting, Marketing, Economics, Finance, Human Resources, E-Commerce, Sales, Legal, and Business Plan Development.  Students will then work on the creation of a simulated business, conducting transactions and participating in local trade shows.   ^^Three college credits may be earned through the Fairleigh Dickinson University Early College Program.  Course alignment varies on a year-to-year basis- check with your instructor. 


Grades 9, 10, 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective; 

The need for skilled multimedia workers is rising in the fields of business, education, and entertainment.  This course will develop multimedia skills in the operation of graphics, animation, sound, and game development. This course allows students to develop their creative skills.  It also helps students think conceptually and problem solve in graphic design terms. The goal of this course is to help produce future professionals who possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities to enter and advance in these fields.   ^^Three college credits may be earned through the Fairleigh Dickinson University Early College Program.  Course alignment varies on a year-to-year basis- check with your instructor. 


Grades 9, 10, 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective

Introduction to Business introduces the student to the field of business and presents the occupational opportunities in business. An introduction to economic activity, business laws and ethics, types of business ownership, entrepreneurship, business organization and management, production of goods, marketing and promotion, and a variety of personal financial topics are included in the curriculum. This course is designed to provide the student with a satisfactory, usable knowledge of the activities of the world of business.


Grades 9, 10, 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective

This course is intended to expose students to the use of the PC in personal life, to learn the responsibility of digital citizenship, and to become self-directed, lifelong learners and users of technology.  Students will gain knowledge of a variety of software products which are utilized by consumers, and skills which can be transferred to business and school. Through hands-on experience, students will apply these software packages and concepts to solve personal and school-related problems through practice simulations and projects.  Some of the software introduced in this course include word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, multimedia and desktop publishing packages. Units are strategically designed to support cross-curricular content such as reading comprehension, writing and mathematics. Additionally, the personal financial literacy graduation requirement is satisfied by this course.  


Grades 10, 11, 12; 5 Credits; One Year Elective

As students begin to transition into adulthood, it is important to realize the numerous investment and financial options that are available. Equally as important is understanding  both the risks and potential benefits that come with these options.  To better process investment opportunities, the class will cover topics such as: Stock Portfolios, Cryptocurrencies, Mutual Funds, Bond Investing,  Real Estate, and the role of the markets. Students will be analyzing risk vs return of various investment products  as well as conducting an evaluation of various financial assets.  Students will have the opportunity to apply course content practically in a stock market simulation activity. Having taken this course, students will be well equipped with the knowledge and experience necessary to begin applying effective investment strategies, both personally and professionally, allowing for confident evaluation and planning of a successful financial future.  ^^Three college credits may be earned through the Fairleigh Dickinson University Early College Program.  Course alignment varies on a year-to-year basis- check with your instructor. 


Grades 9, 10, 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective

Whether we realize it or not, marketing is all around us. Marketing has a direct effect on the purchases we make and the services we use. This course is designed to provide an overview of basic marketing principles and how they are applied.  Topics covered in this class will include: pricing, branding, packaging, evaluating market opportunities, market segmentation, targeting and positioning, research, market strategy and planning. Students will demonstrate their mastery of the content through marketing simulation projects.  Student participation in DECA is encouraged.  ^^Three college credits may be earned through the Fairleigh Dickinson University Early College Program.  Course alignment varies on a year-to-year basis- check with your instructor. 


Grades 10, 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective; 

Students learn all the components of Microsoft Office:  Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. This is the #1 software used in business today.  Many colleges expect their students to know how to successfully operate Office. Projects include creating a tribute PowerPoint presentation to your family or favorite band.  Create a movie or automobile database using Access. Create a stock portfolio or sports statistics spreadsheet using Excel. Create a satirical newspaper or a business brochure using Word.   This course provides an opportunity to obtain MOS Certification.  


Grades 9, 10, 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective

In this dynamic course, you'll gain the knowledge and tools needed to conquer a wide array of real-world financial challenges. From cashing your first paycheck to mastering the art of managing checking and savings accounts, renting your own apartment, and even setting your sights on owning a house or car, we've got it all covered. You'll explore the world of budgeting, learning to make your money work for you, and discover the secrets of using credit wisely.

Personal Finance isn't just a course; it's your passport to becoming a smart and savvy consumer. Say goodbye to common financial blunders and hello to a brighter financial future. Don't miss this opportunity to shape your destiny and make the most of your financial journey. Join us now and take control of your financial future!   ^^Three college credits may be earned through the Fairleigh Dickinson University Early College Program.  Course alignment varies on a year-to-year basis- check with your instructor.


Grade 12; 15 credits; One Year Elective;

Time requirement: Combination of regularly scheduled class block, plus required number of working hours at an approved jobsite. The purpose of the program is to afford students the opportunity to experience actual part-time employment at a local business. By alternating classroom learning with work experience, students are able to earn money, and develop workplace skills that will prepare them for further education and/or entry into the job market. Students will learn about topics such as workplace safety, labor laws, budgeting, taxes, and personal finance skills, while conducting career exploration.  Program coordinators work with students to explore potential job sites that align with career aspirations.   As a 15 credit course, students enrolled in the program are released from school early to accrue time at their jobsite, with scheduled shifts during the instructional day to align with program coordinator site visits.  Enrolled students will have the last block of school off in order to start shifts prior to the end of the school day. 


Grades 10, 11, 12; 2 1⁄2 Credits; One Semester Elective;

Social Media Marketing will cover the process of gaining traffic or attention for your web content through social media sites.  This dynamic course requires students to create web content and promote it on a variety of simulated platforms. Simulations will provide students real-time feedback and logistics regarding the marketing decisions that are made. Students will learn how social media is changing the marketing experience for companies and is constantly changing the world in which we live. 


Grades 10, 11, and 12; 2½ Credits; One Semester Elective; 

The field of sports and entertainment marketing is rapidly growing.  Many colleges, universities, and high schools offer specialized majors and concentrations in these fields.  In this course, students will explore the world of sports and entertainment from the perspective of marketing.  The functions of marketing and management that are presented are intended to be a guide for students taking their first steps into the exciting world of sports and entertainment.  How do these franchises grab hold of the consumer and incorporate themselves in our vernacular? How do Nike, UnderArmour, and Gatorade acquire consumers’ loyalty? Or how do sports franchises such as the New York Yankees, Dallas Cowboys or Manchester United create and reach a worldwide fan base?  This course will help explain. 


Grades 9, 10, 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective

This course is intended for students interested in learning layout, design, graphic arts and computer skills applicable to the production of a yearbook. Students will be required to develop proficiency in the publisher's design program as part of the yearbook creation and production. This course will require active and dedicated participation in all facets of yearbook production throughout the school year.  It is strongly suggested that students have some knowledge of Desktop Publishing, Social Media Marketing or Digital Art & Design.


Grades 10, 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective; Prerequisite: Yearbook Publication 1 or yearbook experience

This course is intended for students who wish to serve as editors—either editor-in-chief or section editors—for the yearbook publication and to broaden and deepen their knowledge of layout, design, graphic arts, use of artwork, photography, and computer applications related to publication.  This course will require active and dedicated participation in all facets of yearbook production throughout the school year.

FDU/MHRD Dual Enrollment List

College Credit

The Morris Hills Regional District offers students the opportunity to earn college credit through Fairleigh Dickinson University in various departments. 

Please see the chart on the left for course equivalencies. 

^^Course eligibility for the Middle College Program may vary from year-to-year.  Check with your instructor at the start of the school year to see the most up-to-date list of eligible classes. 

More Information

Click on the images below for more information on some of the unique opportunities listed in the course outlines. 

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For more information, follow us on X: @MHRDBusiness