Physical Education/Health

Supervisor of Physical Education/Health (Morris Hills): Mr. Robert Haraka, 

Supervisor of Physical Education/Health (Morris Knolls): Mr. Patrick Brunner, 

Physical Education, Health, & Safety


Grades 9-12; 1.25 credits each year; Required each year

A variety of units of instruction will provide students with knowledge and skills essential for healthful living in our society. This contemporary view of health focuses on taking personal responsibility through an active, healthy lifestyle that fosters a lifelong commitment to overall wellness.  Grade nine students will study units with emphasis on human sexuality as well as alcohol, tobacco, and drug education. Drivers Education theory is offered during grade ten and is a state-certified course of instruction that emphasizes proper driving attitudes and skills, as well as knowledge of state laws. Donor Education is also mandated in the tenth-grade curriculum.  In grade eleven, units of study include drug, alcohol, tobacco,  and mental health education, with emphasis on relationships and first aid with an emphasis on highlighting CPR/AED. Relationships with families and society, human sexuality, family planning, domestic violence, and sexual assault are topics in the senior-year health course.  All health courses are one marking period in length.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION (PE010, PE20, PE030 and 040)

Grades 9-12; 3.75 credits; Required each year

Physical Education courses are comprehensive programs including activities that promote character education and personal wellness, including physical fitness and nutrition along with skill development.  A variety of activities are offered which provide students with opportunities to develop strong, healthy bodies and a foundation of knowledge to participate in individual and team sports activities. Grades nine, ten, and eleven will participate in units of Character Education. Character Education in grades nine and ten emphasizes decision-making, problem-solving, bullying prevention, and cooperation. Grade eleven and twelve Character Education curricula continue to build on the foundation of grade ten and include outdoor climbing instruction and activities on both the high and low-element courses. All levels of Character Education are based on communication skills and the MHRD’s core virtues. Participation will result in a daily grade worth 90% of the student’s overall grade. A baseline fitness test will be administered at the beginning of each school year and progress will be measured with fitness assessments each quarter. Results from the three common fitness assessments will be averaged as 10% of the student’s final Physical Education grade for the year.


Grades 9-12; 3.75 credits; Required each year for Dance students in the Academy for the Performing Arts

This course is a progressive Physical Education program for dancers, spanning four years of high school. Dancers have a special attitude toward their bodies, focusing on technique, form, and appearance. The course provides dancers the opportunity to use all of their muscles appropriately and optimally while avoiding injury. It provides exercises and activities that are vital to get other muscles into action. All fitness components will be addressed, including relaxation, flexibility, and stretching of the muscles. Yoga, Pilates, fitness room, and weight room will be units provided, along with Character Education per grade level.  In years 2 and 3, students will focus on wellness topics, including nutrition and injury prevention, respectively.  A baseline fitness test will be administered at the beginning of each school year and progress will be measured with fitness assessments each quarter. Results from the three common fitness assessments will be averaged as 10% of the student’s final Physical Education grade for the year. Priority for this course is given to students in the Dance Program through the Academy for Performing Arts at Morris Knolls High School. 

FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION is a program required by the New Jersey Administrative Code (Article 6:19-7.1). The Morris Hills Regional District infuses Family Life Education into its Health Education Curriculum and annually provides parents and guardians with an outline of the curriculum and a list of instructional materials for the grade of their child, including notification concerning provision for excusing students.