Getting Started with Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is an organizational tool used by teachers so that students can find their online materials, assignments, announcements, Zoom links, and due dates all in one location. Students access the Google Classroom for each class using their MHRD Google Account. If they go to and log in with their MHRD account, they will see every Google Classroom they have joined. School Counselors, sports teams, and club/activity advisors may also use Google Classroom. Students will receive a join code for each class.

Parental Access: As a parent, you can request a parent login from each teacher, which will provide you a weekly activity summary of each Google Classroom. Or, you can ask your student to log into their account and view each Classroom in its entirety through the student account.

Google Classroom Organization

All teachers' Google Classrooms in the district are organized in the same way. The Stream (1st tab at the top and the default view when you log in) is for announcements only. Click on the Classwork tab (2nd tab at the top) to find the Zoom link, all classwork arranged by unit or topic, and any class materials.

If you are having trouble finding something in your Google Classroom, please email your teacher right away.