Film Production I

Welcome to Film Production. In this course you will learn about digital video and the film industry. You will be working on the Final Cut Pro software and will be tested using software certification questions.

Students will learn to edit the Final Cut Pro software which is the industry film standard software, while learning a variety of film techniques. Creating short movies is a large portion of the classwork.

Supplies REQUIRED for class

• Pencils or Pens: For taking unit notes

• Headphones: For editing music and video

Example Student Work:

A Day in the Life of XXXXXX:

A Group will shoot and edit a 1-minute movie with 25 shots on any object (water bottle, rock, tardy note etc) but not a person. Make the audience empathize with the "character to think visually. It will be put together in an assembly/mosaic style to create a scene and idea as a whole.

Day in the Life of a
A day in the life of a phone (1).mov

Narrative Poem Project

Individual project to create a 1-2 minute video poem.

Choose a poem that will allow for creative visual representation

Imagery and Mood will be used visually: the way in which a video producer conveys texture and vividness to the viewer. It is how you will show the viewer the intended image of the work, instead of telling them.

poem (friends).mov

Descriptive Word Project:

Descriptive Word .mov