Digital Media

DM - Course Number IA31

CTE Essential Standards

Course Number: IA31

Recommended Maximum Enrollment: 25

Hours of Instruction: 135 (block) 150 (regular)

Prerequisite: None

Aligned Career Technical Student Organization: SkillsUSA

Aligned Industry Credential: None

Description: This course is the first in a two part series of courses that provides students with industry

knowledge and skills in the overall digital media design field. Areas covered in these two courses include graphics, animation, video, and web design. Industry certifications are used to align curriculum with industry needs. An emphasis is placed on the concepts of graphic design, various digital media technologies, non-linear editing, product development and design, and career development. English language arts, mathematics, and science are reinforced.

Supplies REQUIRED for class

• Pencils or Pens: For taking unit notes

• Headphones: For editing music and video