Student Dress

It is the responsibility of the school to redirect students when their personal appearance or attire interferes with the instructional purpose or distracts from the normal operation of the school environment. Students are prohibited from wearing apparel containing any of the following:

· Profanity / offensive language

· Sexually explicit or provocative imagery

· Drug, alcohol, or drug references or sponsorship

· Gang affiliation

· Violency or weaponry

Hats and head gear need to be removed before entering the building. Coats are also not to be worn during the school day. These articles of clothing are to be kept in a student’s locker during school hours and may not be worn until the conclusion of the school day.

Any student whose dress is deemed inappropriate or distracting will be asked to remedy the situation by either changing his/her clothing, or wearing something over the article of clothing in question. Students failing to comply will be sent home or face further disciplinary consequences.