The importance of sexuality/gender-related affinity groups

Episode 7

MFS Affinity Group Episode #2 .mp3

Episode 7: Why we need safe spaces for students of all genders and sexualities in school

In this episode, I am joined by a fellow affinity group leader as we discuss the need for sexuality/gender-based affinity groups and safe spaces in our school. We also discuss the importance of incorporating sexuality and gender studies in the classroom and everyday life at school. Amidst the controversy surrounding our school's affinity groups, we aim to emphasize the positive impact of having these groups and spaces for all students.

meet our guest

Charlie "Flick" Parker

Flick is a junior at MFS. They are a prominent leader in the upper school community as it relates to LGBTQ+ rights, proper pronoun usage, and so much more. Flick is the facilitator of the Transgender & Gender-Non-Conforming Affinity Group. Flick is also a valued member of the LGBTQ+ Affinity Group.

resources for students

Students in the LGBTQ+ community may need extra support services and resources, especially while navigating high school:

resources for teachers who want to be allies

One of the best ways for teachers to express their alliance with their LGBTQ+ students is by creating an inclusive classroom environment:
