
EdPuzzle is a website that lets teachers add images, text, quizzes, and discussions to existing videos from YouTube and those they create themselves. Teachers also have access to analytics to help them understand the impact of the resources they are creating with EdPuzzle and sharing with their students or staff. Ready to learn more? 

Complete the challenge and fill out the badge request form.

Be sure to put the title and share link to your project in the request form. 

Badges can not be granted unless the link is submitted.

Thank you for your time and patience! 

EDpuzzle Beginning Badge

Video tour: https://edpuzzle.com/welcome 

Help for teachers: https://support.edpuzzle.com/hc/en-us/categories/201076232-For-Teachers 

7. Either share the captured picture or paste it in a Google Doc and Share the doc in the google form.

EDpuzzle Advanced Badge


Post to the MHSEdTechSuccess Padlet to share about how you used EdPuzzle in your class. Then, fill out the request a badge form.


EDPuzzle Tutorial PDF.pdf