Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere is a simple application that works well for live audiences using mobile devices like phones. People participate by visiting a fast mobile-friendly web page for your event or sending text messages. Instructions are displayed on-screen. The poll that is embedded within the presentation or web page will update in real time. Advanced uses include texting comments to a presentation, texting questions to a presenter, responding via the web, and SMS interactivity in print, radio, and TV. 

Complete the challenge and fill out the badge request form.

Be sure to put the title and share link to your project in the request form. 

Badges can not be granted unless the link is submitted.

Thank you for your time and patience! 



If you already used Poll Everywhere in class, you can earn the advanced badge by posting to the MHSEdTechSuccess Padlet below. Add a post by clicking the plus sign. Then, fill out the Request a Badge form.


Poll Everywhere Best Practices.pdf