
Powtoon is a fun digital storytelling tool that allows teachers and students to create animated videos using a variety of characters, backgrounds, props, etc. Use text to convey your thoughts or narrate the video yourself using Powtoon's integrated narration tool. You can even set the tone for your creation with a soundtrack using Powtoon's library of royalty free music. Completed masterpieces can be downloaded, embedded on your webpage, emailed to other people, or uploaded to your YouTube channel. 

Complete the challenge and fill out the badge request form.

Be sure to put the title and share link to your project in the request form. 

Badges can not be granted unless the link is submitted.

Thank you for your time and patience! 

Powtoons Beginning Challenge - 

Create a Powtoon that can be used to introduce a lesson for your class or a presentation.

Advanced Powtoons Badge

Follow the instructions above and make a Powtoons, for this one use the subject of Digital Citizenship and you can apply for both the Powtoons Advanced Badge and the Digital Citizenship Advanced Badge.

Be sure to submit the url to your "published" Powtoons in the Badge Request form.


If you have already used Powtoons in class, to earn the Advanced Badge: Post to the PLPSEdTech Success Padlet. Share a link to a Powtoon you made or a student made in class or share a way you used it in your class! Then, fill out the Request a Badge Form.
