The Four R's

Rethink: Think twice on whether you actually have to do it or not.

Imagine you are ordering a milkshake and you are about to take a sip, and you forget a straw, think, do you have to use a straw?

Reuse: Use again or use more than once.

Say you are going to the grocery store, and you are using a plastic bag. Instead you could've used plastic bag you got last week, or better yet- a reusable grocery bag!

Recycle: Convert waste into reusable material. You can recycle items instead of trashing it.

Let's say you were working on your art project and have lots of scraps of paper, instead of throwing it in the trash, you can put it in the recycling bin.

Reduce: Make an amount of something smaller.

Don't grab a new plastic water bottle! Get yourself a reusable one. Plastic is one of the biggest contributors to global warming!