Reduce Waste!

Make sure to do the Shake/Fold Method to help reduce the amount of trees cut down each year. Did you know that the USA uses approximately 13 billion pounds of paper towels in a year?!?! If each of us used just one paper towel per day we would save 500 million pounds of paper towels a year!

Shake fold

Watch our video, above, to understand the Shake/Fold method!

Here are some ways to help us reduce waste.

Try to avoid using plastic straws.

Try to use reusable straws, paper straws, or even no straws at all!

Use the Shake/ Fold Method.

Make sure to use the shake/ fold method. Check the video above to learn.


Recycle paper and plastic products instead of throwing them in the trash.

Say no to plastic bags.

Bring your own reusable bags and recycle plastic bags.