Team Tamarin

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This is a Golden Lion Tamarin

The Golden Lion Tamarin is a endangered species due to loss of habitat. Deforestation and fragmentation has dropped their range to less than one-fourth of what it was not so long ago. There are things we can do to help though! Read on to find out how YOU can make a difference!

Right now, the Golden Lion Tamarin is endangered. It is actually one of the most endangered species of mammals, just like the Atlantic Coastal Leopard Frog, Monarch Butterfly, Rodrigues Fruit Bat, and Humboldt Penguin. If we do not make a change, it will go extinct, like many other species.

The Golden Lion Tamarin is a cute species of mammals that are living in the west coast of South America (Brazil). Their diet is small insects and fruit. Some of their adaptations are a fuzzy tail that help them balance in the trees. Also they have a sensitive nose to help them smell.