Psychology, Criminal Justice, and Sociology

Phalika Oum

Liturgy of the Dispersed: Memory, Transnationalism, and Cambodian Cuisine in the American Diaspora 

Poster Presentation will be held at 9:00 AM on Monday 4/24 in Hostetter Chapel.  

Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Jenell Paris

Kayla Zerbe

Religious Orientation and Coping in Third Culture Kids 

Oral Presentation will be held at 12:00 PM on Monday 4/24 in Hostetter 113.  

Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Valerie Lemmon

Eden Araya

Effects of Peppermint and Lavender Aromatherapy on Comprehension

Oral Presentation will be held at 2:00 PM on Monday 4/24 in Hostetter 113.  

Faculty Sponsor: Dr. John Bechtold

Researchers studied the effects of aromatherapy (lavender and peppermint essential oils) and deep breathing on comprehension through a modified GRE comprehension task. Forty-seven Introduction to Psychology students were randomly assigned to either a lavender or peppermint essential oil condition and engaged in a deep breathing exercise or mental math activity for one minute. Participants read two passages from a practice GRE and answered the related multiple-choice questions. There were no main effects; however, the interaction is approaching significance. Additional data on stress suggested that deep breathing did reduce stress compared to that math tasks. Future research could expand the activities to correlate with the effects of the aromas to receive the optimal outcome.