Language, Literature, and Writing

Olivia Reardon

The Mother-Daughter Bond: Nanny’s Influence on Janie’s Road to Empowerment in Their Eyes Were Watching God 

Oral Presentation will be held at 11:00 AM on Monday 4/24 in Hostetter 113

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kerry Hasler-Brooks

Department of Language, Literature, and Writing

Zora Neale Hurston’s novel Their Eyes Were Watching God is often held up as the tale of a woman’s autonomous journey toward empowerment. However, while Hurston’s protagonist, Janie, did overcome great odds in this novel, she did not do so alone. Olivia’s research seeks to join two previously separate conversations about empowerment in Their Eyes and the phenomenon of the mother-daughter bond. Looking at Janie’s journey toward empowerment through the lens of her grandmother and mother’s influence reveals that Janie could not have realized her dreams apart from their maternal influence.   

Evelyn Kelly

Watching the Storm: Old Testament Reinvention of God in Their Eyes Were Watching God 

Oral Presentation will be held at 11:30 AM on Monday 4/24 in Hostetter 113

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kerry Hasler-Brooks

Department of Language, Literature, and Writing

Their Eyes Were Watching God is a complex novel that presents multiple layers of spirituality as understood by the characters. Evelyn’s research specifically explores the characterization of God through Zora Neale Hurston’s play on the Old Testament motifs of violence, judgment, and silence. Alongside Janie, readers can ask how their own perception of God shifts as they experience storms and unanswerable questions over their individual journeys through life.  

Hye Lim Jung

Meeting the Monster: A Creative Exploration of Korean Culture and Mythology


Oral Presentation will be held at 7:00 PM on Wednesday 4/26 in Boyer 231

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Matt Roth

Department of Language, Literature, and Writing