Human Development and Family Science

Sierra Weaver

Sex Education as a Single Father 

Oral Presentation scheduled for 10 am on Monday 4/24 in Hostetter 113. 

Teaching sexual education to teenage children can feel like a difficult and uncomfortable task for single fathers who must do so without the support and assistance of a spouse. Faced with feelings of discomfort surrounding sexual conversations, limited understanding of their child’s developmental needs, and societal gender role expectations, these fathers struggle with knowing how to give their child the sexual education that they need. However, research has found that single fathers are more likely to have talks about sexual health and safety with their child if they feel a responsibility to do so, are educated on their child’s changing body and needs, and have support systems with families going through similar experiences. Single fathers would benefit from a family life education program designed to provide them with tools necessary to understanding their child’s developmental needs. Through this program, fathers can find the support and education that they need to feel comfortable and confident to begin sexual health conversations with their child.