Activity 2- Explore Plastic Pollution

Group 1: Great White Crane

1. There was 34 plastic items we found that we use at home.

2. Birds could mistake plastic for food and swallow it and humans could drop it into your food and eat it.

3. We found plastic bags, lids, and take out containers.

4. We think micro plastics a really small piece of plastic because of the prefix "micro". And we know micro means small.

5. We could reduce plastic by reusing plastic bags , picking up plastic junk when you come across some, and recycling plastic items.

Group 2: Cormorant

1. We found 5 plastic things that we use at home

2. Birds would die, because if they ate plastic they can starve to death thinking they were full. They can also get sick, and birds dying harm us because it reduces the food we eat.

3. Plastics that we found are bottles , caps , food containers ,silverwavers , plastic cups ,bags .micro

4.Microplastics are very small pieces of plasctic that pollute the environment.(5mm or less)

5.You can use more natrual things and recycle so we don't pollute the environment.

Group 3: Black Necked Still

1.We found about 5 things that we use at home.

2.Birds would die because of all the plastic we throw out they eat it it and they thing there full but they are actually starving to death.

3. Plastic bottels,plastic 6 pack countanier for cokes,plastic bags,plastic silverwear and wrapers.

4.Microplastics are really really small plastics.

5.You could use metal to reduse you're plastic use.

Group 4: Bald Eagle

1. We discovered 42 pieces of plastic at our home.

2.This plastic can harm animals because the animals might get it stuck in their mouths.

3. Water bottle, plastic spoon, fork k and knife are types of plastics that we found at our home.

4. Micro plastics means that there is extremely small pieces of plastic.

5. You can recycle more plastic so there is not as much pollution.

Group 5: Turkey Vulture:

1. In total we found 76 plastic items that we can use at home

2. The plastic can harm birds because they can get tangled and then get ran over.

3. We found some straws, bottles, bags, and take out containers.

4. Microplastics are very small pieces of plastic that pollute the enviorment

5. We can reduce plastic by not littering so much and to recycle a lot more.