
All About Cormorants

Scientific name : Phalacrocoracidae

Nickname: Shag

Diet: Carnivore

Average life span in the wild: 17 years & 9 months

Weight:5.5- 11 lbs.

Their diets

They mostly eat tadpoles, frogs, aquatic insects, and fish that are easy to catch.They eat average of 1 pound of fish , they also eat amphibians, and crustaceans .

Habitat & Nest

Cormorants live in warm bodies of water, mostly fresh, or brackish. They are found through the American tropics. They nest in groups called colonies and construct their nest in bushes and trees around 3-25 above water as well as on the ground of islands in bays

Predators & How they survive

Cormorants survive from arrowing in straight lines with a few feet above water in fighter-jet formation. There predators are Bald eagles,Coyotes, and Owls.

Migration Path

They move south in the winter, and occasionally wanders north, mainly in warmer months.

Fun facts

*Cormorants are about 25 inches in length

*Eggs are incubated by both adults for approximately for 25-30 days

*Their young are fed by their parents until roughly 11 weeks

*At 8 weeks old they are able to swim and dive

*Cormorants are about 25 inches in length

*Eggs are incubated by both adults for approximately for 25-30 days

*Their young are fed by their parents until roughly 11 weeks

*At 8 weeks old they are able to swim and dive


Very top of the head grayish color

Beak is dark yellow

Webbed feet to catch prey

Rest of body black